Anya Tchoupakov

Editor, writer, content strategist, product manager—professional fixer.


Hey there. 

I'm Anya—I deal in words. I grew up trilingual, and have loved the very concept of language from a young age. My parents are ballet teachers, so wherever the work took them, I came along, picking up snippets of other languages and cultures along the way. From Romania to Japan, whether for a month or a year, we lived like locals and picked up cuisines and idioms that made our everyday dinner table look like a world map. This international-artistic upbringing underpins everything I do.

Almost as soon as I learned English, my Russian immigrant parents and their friends began to use me as a personal editor. I proofread and edited every word of their emails, report cards, articles, and papers. What started out as a childhood chore has become a passion and a career. Though I can't really put it on my resumé, I've been editing for over a decade. 

My professional skills have been honed most significantly at VICE, where I became an article-pumping machine and learned that research will get you everywhere; at Dirt, where I fell in love with the food world and the people in it; at Bon Appétit, where my excitement about it grew ever stronger and pushed me into the kitchen myself; and finally, at Off Assignment, where I’ve found myself flourishing in a leadership position and taking on professional adventures I’d never have imagined.  

If you’re interested in working together on content strategy, copy-editing, project management, this site holds my writing clips, my resumé, my editing testimonials, my contact info—the works. Talk soon.


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